Final - Updated CYC 2024 Slides 1-4-24.pdf
Committees are one of the most valuable resources in achieving the Chapter’s goals. All committees work under the authority of the Board of Directors, which approves all committee programs, budgets, and expenditures. The committee structure is a means for broadening members’ involvement in the Chapter and for sharing the workload. The Chapter Staff rely on committee members to serve as sounding boards offering their creative opinion as well as sharing the resources they have available to them to help the Chapter achieve its goals. Committee involvement is also a natural stepping stone for one day serving on the Chapter’s Board of Directors.
For Managers, CAI National recognizes one’s time spent serving on a Chapter committee when a manager is working towards a CAI designation.
Click here to review a PDF that describes our committees.
Interested in joining a committee? Email us at!
Please note: All committee minutes can be sent upon request.
The Chesapeake Chapter has established the following committees: